FAQS about Granite Countertops

There are many reasons granite is such an excellent material for offices and kitchens. It is durable and, since it is so elegant, it is a popular choice. If you are considering using granite countertops in your own remodeling, you likely have many questions. Keep reading to learn more.


What Do You Need to Know About Sealers?

Sealers act as a protectant for the countertops. It is easy to seal your countertops. Since stone is often porous or dense, without protection it can absorb spills and stains. The sealer prevents the chances of something staining the granite countertop’s surface. Once the stone is protected, it is easier to clean it and becomes less likely to stain. Additionally, it becomes safer since bacteria are less likely to grow inside of it. 

You can retain the surface’s beauty when you stain it. Following application, you should test your sealant to ensure it took. All you have to do to test the sealant is to apply a bit of water to the stone and allow it to sit for a while. If the stone does not get darker, it likely is protected against stains. You may want to seal the stone each year to ensure the stone lasts a long time to come and maintains its beauty.

Are Granite and Marble the Same?

Both types of stone come from natural sources, but they are different from each other. Granite is hard and resistant and has crystallized minerals in it. In contrast, marble starts as bits of plant matter, shells, and other material near the bottoms of water and can solidify. Since it is made from calcium, vinegar, orange and apple juice can affect it negatively by making it dull.

Granite is hard enough that knives will not scratch it. However, you will want to avoid using knives on granite since it can cause damage in other ways, such as reducing the shine on the surface. Always put a protective surface between the knife’s blade and the stone. Marble is softer than granite.

Is it Easy to Care for the Counters?

Cleaning these natural stone countertop requires just soap and water. Regular cleaning will allow them to look new for many more years. If there is a spill, you can clean it up right away using a paper towel but blot it instead of wiping it; then use a towel to dry it off.

How Can You Prevent Chips in the Counters?

You can avoid damaging the counters by not placing too many heavy items on the surface. For example, don’t sit on the edges of these counters. It is also best to avoid placing hot items on the stone surface; use trivets to prevent damage to the surface. Have a professional repair any cracks as soon as you notice them. If you delay repair, the gap might spread, causing the counter to break off.

Closing Thoughts

When shopping for granite countertops, you have many options. Consider your options, needs, and lifestyle habits to make a more informed decision about whether the stone is suitable for you. 



